Academic Coursework

Take a look at what we can provide for you including experience from previous coursework.

Academic Experience

High School: Attended Hillsdale High and graduated with a 3.3 GPA.

Junior College: Attended Cañada College and graduated with an Associate’s Degree in Computer Science with a 3.64 GPA.

University: Currently attending Biola University and maintaining a cumulative 3.934 GPA while majoring in Computer Science with a concentration in Information Systems.

Academic Coursework

University Work:

Class experience includes work with Java, C++, C, Python, SQL, and command-line level languages.

Significant work includes a group software engineering project using Android Studio and Google Firebase to create an Android Application. It is a platform for users to create daily schedules and share them with selected friends.

Other notable work includes a PySub Interpreter that includes C++ work to provide translation to python code as a semester-long project.

Junior College Work:

Notable work includes effectively analyzing data from statistics of math scores for a Java project. Work includes analyzing information effectively involving an implementation of code that determines the mean, median, mode, and average of a set of numbers provided by the user.